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装载机厂家认为液压油质量的好坏,不仅影响着小型装载机等工程机械的正常工作,而且会造成液压系统零部件的严重损坏。在此,装载机厂家为您介绍一些简易鉴别液压油质量的方法。The quality of hydraulic oil is not only affected by the quality of hydraulic oil, but also the serious damage of hydraulic system components. Here, the loader manufacturers to introduce you to some simple identification of the quality of hydraulic oil.
装载机厂家为你介绍玻璃板倾斜法。取一块干净的玻璃板,将其水平放置,并将被测液压油滴一滴在玻璃上,同时在旁边再滴一滴标准液压油(同牌号的新品液压油),然后将玻璃板倾斜,并注意观察。Loader manufacturers to introduce you to the glass plate tilt method. Take a clean piece of glass plate, the horizontal, and the measured hydraulic oil drops on the glass, while next to a drop of standard hydraulic oil (new hydraulic oil with grades), and then the glass plate tilt, and observe the.
如果被测油液的流速和流动距离均比标准油液大,则说明其粘度比标准油液低,反之,则说明其粘度比标准油液高。If the flow rate and flow distance of the tested oil are larger than that of the standard oil, the viscosity is lower than that of the standard oil.
装载机厂家为你介绍玻璃瓶倒置法。将被测的液压油液与标准油液分别盛在两个大小和长度相同的透明玻璃瓶中,再用塞子将两瓶口堵上。将两瓶并排放置在一起,然后同时迅速将两瓶倒置。Loader manufacturers to introduce you inverted glass bottle method. The measured hydraulic oil and standard oil are respectively stored in two transparent glass bottles with the same size and length, and then the plug is plugged into the two bottle mouth with a plug. Place two bottles together side by side, and then quickly invert the two bottles.
如果被测液压油在瓶中的气泡比标准油液在瓶中的气泡上升得快,则说明油液的粘度比标准油液粘度低,反之,则说明油液粘度比标准油液粘度高;若两种油液气泡上升的速度接近,则说明粘度也相似。If the measured hydraulic oil in the bottle bubble than the standard oil in the bottle of bubbles rising quickly, the oil viscosity ratio of oil viscosity liquid is low, otherwise, the oil viscosity standard oil; if two oil bubble rising velocity is close to, the viscosity is similar.